"The begging girl"

Delivery by the toad herself!!!
Toad picture sponsored by SK1

Anyone send an e-mail:"Register in our top list". The idea pleased good!. The entry worked and curious I looked at the other entrys. One entry attracted attention, because it is full of frustration; several places contain the same message: if someone is not interested in the numerous informations (which are not everyones taste), he should not read them. Now then I write some lines for encouragement; an instant answer returns after some hours. The e-mail-contact continued for the next weeks until we met at Saturday in carnival....
Next morning she wanted to give me the key of her 30qm-villa with the words: "You don't get rid of me so fast!" Wait and see!

Favourite Activities
Chatting: Once upon a time the people prayed to idols or holy pictures, today there is the chat! As an outsider in this area I wonder ever again, how frustrated and lonely people must be, to spend most of their time in this medium. Some of the chatters don't own another life, and the chat gets the status of a holy relic. This is at least the impression, when every third sentence in a talk returns to any boring happening from the chat. And the other side is quickly offended, if someone wants to talk about more interesting themes.
I'm sorry to say that I committed one day the mistake, to log in the chat. Immediately I had so important messages like "How was the way to work?" or asks about the details of lunch in my guestbook and therewith on a bulletin board. The following locking of the guestbook raised much yelling by SK1!
And I thought since NK1, that permanent phoners are the worst, but the chatter are able to convince me disabusing.
To play poor girl: Real persuasively show! She points out permanently, that the second-hand clothes are very old; furthermore purchased for a ridiculous price at ebay. Already on her homepage the hint, that the money hardly reaches for a cinema-ticket. Best show: she presented me (without any question for this) her monthly income/expenses - amount; this was 100DM negative although she forgot some items.
So I paid nearly all expenses for cinema, meals, going out, excursions etc. If you had paid once the bill, it is self-evident, that this will be so in the future. Seldom she had more than 5 DM in her pocket if we had a common trip. She invited 12 people for her birthday, and asks me if 36 DM (6 beers) are enough ? Maybe she supposed, that I would pay this bill too?!
But strange; as I'm located in holidays (booked before I've got to know her), she must have won in lottery, every day outside with her chatters?! A new sponsor or some sources which she didn't ever mention?!
Giving lip service: Permanently she distributed kisses by SMS, e-mail or at phone. The "I miss you" went experienced in the keyboard. Unfortunately there was a lack of exklusiveness! While she enjoys the evening at my expense, she writes next morning directly "I have missed you so yesterday" in the guestbooks of her chatters. Thereby the rest of her plausibility is lost!
One more lip service: she had never fooled a boy-friend, this is just as believable. But this is interesting for whom? Doesn't matter...
Fitness training: Several times a week she visited a fitness centre. And she was so proud about her kilometres she drove on a bike there! The real cycle tour looks different: there she moaned without end after 10 KM!. And also "Burg Eltz" cannot be reached directly with the car, there is some footpath with slope before. The lament didn't belong to a trained person...
The legs and the backside didn't get more attractive with the so-called training, and this although she notified every week any efforts.
Giving gifts: One day she arrived with a high quality gift of the "Düsseldoof Rhinefires" with the lovely sign of a german phone provider. This present decorates today excellent the garbage can. On another day she presented a big box with candy. But her intention was it to empty the box immediately; this was the substitute for her fitness training?!
Uups, maybe I mixed up there something? She gets gifts with pleasure, the giving is more difficult...
Quarreling: Permanent she makes any jokes which are neither understandably nor amusing; but if a joke will be charged to her, then there was stress! And for enduring she had a system of points: it doesn't matter who is right, "Yesterday I gave the way second times and today it's your turn". Mystery system!
Cooking: Similar to NK1 this was a lip service too. More than throwing some pasta in cooking water and a ready-cake from Dr. Oetker was not in the program. And for this fantastic act I had to lie two times for a whole day, to hold the cute peace.
More she liked it when others are cooking and serving her than doing something by herself.

Driving car
As passenger: Useable, little moaning, she was able to hold the map in the right direction and had a normal clock speed to the toilet.
As driver: One look to her totally dented and goodish repaired Corsa is enough. The quality of her driving abilities have their limitations, although I had the luck, to see no accident live. Hardly to believe, that someone broke into this boneshaker, it was dark and the committer was in drunken stupor. But he was not so stoned, that he has stolen something from the waste in the car.
But: biker pay attention!!! SK1 doesn't want to share the road with you, if you see a dented red Corsa in your rearview, then cycle about your life!!!

As SK1 wanted to celebrate the night to her birthday, the first chatters are waiting in front of the door. One of them were trembling his hands, as he greeted me? Why? Later SK1 is sitting half of the evening nearly on his lap. The both got to know each other at best during my holidays! What a luck that I had her friend to talk with, otherwise I may have felt aslept on the table, because of the highly interesting conversation! Really funny, one of the chatters was hardly to wake up again!
On her birthday we went through the city to supply her with expensive gifts. As I walked to my my mobile phone provider, she standed again on an internet terminal and arranged several dates, which she didn't mention later. Mysterious and not very trustworthy. As I take her to ask the answer is a bla-bla-bla about thinking about the relationship. Right! 2 minutes for thinking, this is not a good relationship for me!
Afterwards she tried to explain my friends, how hard this separation must have been for me. Why don't someone tell me this? There was a misunderstanding, because I regretted only the gifts for her, which I had saved, if i had thought about the relationship three days before.
Already one day after the unspeakable hard separation the new toad holder had a "I miss you" in his guestbook. An easy smile I could not hide, because I know what is waiting for this guy after the first period. But we will learn about our damages?!
The request to return at least the money for the jacket I have bought her two days before, she ignored of course consistent. Finally she intended the course exact in this direction; with the outing of the fact, that she raids out a new victim in the future, she waited until she had collected all. What a luck that I could warn my friends, which she had invited to her "big" party, to deliver much much money. For that the people got one or two beers and a sausage from barbeque; the rest is to bring along from the guests, because more catering reduces her profit!
An occasional visit in the red light district is presumable not only more favourable, but also better and with less stress. SK1 beated even MK4 in the category shabbiness, MK4 phrased at least her demands directly.
The vulture inherited SK1 by the way from her father; he operated in this business only in a higher class...

Miserable average; somewhere there must be several millions better girls?!
Mercy is even no base for a relationship.
How would have formulated my late grandma so aptly: "Licked off bait!" There is nothing to add.

Best saying from my surrounding after this tragedy: "She was the real proof, that appearance is not so important for you!".
Second saying: "She was yet widely under your level!" - I know this today too, but why had all told "She is really nice" before???